Wednesday, November 27, 2013

WIP Wednesday - Turkey?

I am a bit early but I wanted to wish all of my USA readers a Happy Thanksgiving.  Whether you eat lots of turkey, watch football, or shop til you drop I hope the holiday brings peace and happiness to your family.  To those not celebrating, happy Wednesday!

Well the weather outside was supposed to be frightful but gobble-geddon was fairly lack luster.  We got some some snow but the ground temperature was still warm enough that it barely accumulated.  We had more of a slushy snow than a fluffy one.  In years past we haven't really had snow until December but this is the third of November.  I hope this winter isn't too cold.

This week was really productive.  I combined and edited the paper for my class.  I also met with my dad to help pick out new shoes for my Grandmother's birthday, which is today!  Overall, this has been a laid back week.

Shapely Boyfriend

Another sneak peek!

Given the weather, I didn't want to venture out and run errands so I worked on my sweater instead.  I am proud to say that it's finished.  Okay ends still need weaved and it could do with a wash before I posted a FO but darn it the garment is finished and I am proud of it.

Ginger Ale Podsters

So due to the upcoming Nerd War Swap there are the next priority item.  The hat is already done and these are the matching mitts.  I need to get a move on so I can send this out by December 18th.  I mentioned last week that the 2 at a time attempt was less than steller so I am just doing these one at a time.  I have 9 more rows to finish cuff one and then I can work on cuff 2.

So that's all for this week.

For other WIPs check out Tami's Amis and Frontier Dreams

Check out my new meme Movie Madness Monday

<3 Heather


  1. Brr that snow looks cold! Liking the look of your Shapely Boyfriend, even if that sentence does sound a bit dubious :-p

    1. Thanks. The pattern title makes me think of 16 candles...Oh Sexy Girlfriend!

  2. Looks like good stay inside and knit weather!
