Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Update 3)

Image by Wade Kelly
I have another collage photo to post.  I realized that I like these monthly look backs on how I am changing and improving my life since the surgery.  Once again I have to thank the Amazing Dianne for her photography skills and taking another shot of me at the mall during our knit night.  And a quick thanks to Samie for taking May's picture.

Collage through May 2014

These last two months have flown by and I am super happy with my progress.  I have tried to make it to the gym as much as possible and am really happy with my endurance.  I am able to do 22 push ups in a minute, 45 squats in a minute and jog a mile in 15 minutes and 35 seconds.  What that equates to is 98.5 lbs lost since the surgery and 125.5 lbs since September.  My clothes are really just falling off of me and I have a ton of stuff to donate.

My 6 month progress shot!

For my diet, things have been looking up.  I can tolerate chicken again as long as I eat it slow and take small bites.  I am now allowed to eat salads and other fibrous veggies and am really happy with the variety.  Unfortunately, I had to adjust some things so I can get enough protein.  I have been noticing that my hair has been thinning so I eat with protein in mind first.

All in all I feel great, my energy is amazing and I am really happy with my progress so far.

<3 Heather

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