Well hello there. I feel as though I almost have to re-introduce myself since I haven't posted 4 months. Really it's not you, my lovely readers, it's me. I have wanted to post a couple times but I wanted to do a re-cap post and that thought was daunting. Also, I have these fleeting moments where I need to post things but get swept away my work and life. Anyway, I am using the new(ish) year to start with a clean slate and new beginning.
Hello there! |
So no time like the present right? It's time to stop making excuses and get back to what I enjoy which is sharing with all of you.
Really this hobby is a bit cathartic, I can write out what's going on and just let it go into the world and off of my shoulders. I have missed that and hope to find a better time to incorporate this into my week.
So what has been going on in my life over the last few months? Well lots of love and laughter that is for sure.
Joe went to Atlanta for work and brought me back a magnet from the
Georgia Aquarium. This cute little sea otter keeps an eye on me at work.
Cute little sea otter magnet |
I was also celebrating new beginnings with Jenn's Bridal Shower. Her aunt and mom did a lot of the work to design the decor and decorate. They did such a beautiful job.
Don't forget the Bachlorette party!
Of course you need a selfie! |
October ushered in more exciting things including Hockey Games,
Jenn and Ryan's Wedding,
and Halloween.
Pebbles and BamBam! |
There was some general laziness after the weeks of hectic crazy running and before the holiday season ramped up.
Lots of baking and prepping for the Christmas Holidays
So I hope that fills you in on some of the big and little things the past few months. Can't wait to show you more. Also, what you don't see is about 5 finished objects to brag about. Stay tuned